Move forward with EMDR
In my practice, I use EMDR to help clients move forward from past trauma. It has been very helpful for many of my clients to help past...
Allowing in Love.
In this video on You tube, I share an introduction to my book and my journey in allowing in love.
The Path of Love
Send love to everyone you meet on your life's path...including yourself. It doesn't matter if they are your relative, your friend, a...
Before you say "I do".
I am excited to announce that I will be writing articles for! Check out my first article by clicking the picture below! The...
Meditate before you medicate...
Meditation is a powerful tool. Typically when we think about taking care of ourselves, we pay attention to what we eat, how we treat our...
Drop the wall
I love this quote by Rumi. Once you remove all your walls, guards, barriers etc, your heart will be more open and ready to allow love in....
Love YOU!
If you want to make a positive difference in the world- love yourself. When you love and accept yourself you will omit a more positive...
Trust the Universe
Trust the process. Trust that everything is happening for your learning. There is a bigger plan. You are exactly where you need to be....
The Two of Us
The two of us "To walk in harmony with the world is one of the greatest pleasures in life. The special feeling that your life is quite...
My story in a nutshell.
For many years I was wondering why I was still single. I was living a full life with my career, friends, travel, spirituality and...